Taken from the book, Can Jehovah's Witnesses Survive? By Trevor Willis (formating not preserved)
A Change of Heart
The Watchtower Society's understanding of the Revelation is claimed to come directly from Jehovah God. They claim that the United Nations will turn on and destroy all religions in the world, except Jehovah's Witnesses. This is symbolized by the wild beast turning on the harlot and ripping her to pieces. The original Society first predicted that this massacre would take place in 1918 and expressed disappointment when their prophecy failed. Then in 1991, just prior to their becoming United Nations associates, the Society published a rather ambiguous article, which said in part:
Jehovah's Witnesses firmly believe that the United Nations is going to play a major role in world events in the very near future. No doubt these developments will be very exciting. And the results will have a far-reaching impact on your life. We urge you to ask Jehovah's Witnesses in your neighbourhood for more details on this matter. The Bible clearly paints a picture showing that the United Nations will very shortly be given power and authority. The UN will then do some very astonishing things that may well amaze you. And you will be thrilled to learn that there is yet a better way near at hand that will surely bring eternal peace and security! Awake!September 1991 - page 8
The article gave the impression that the Society was privy to specialist information about the United Nations plans, when in fact their prediction was based on their understanding of Revelation. The promise of peace and security can be taken to refer to the United Nations and their efforts towards world peace, or the Society’s expectation for world peace. That involves the destruction of the United Nations during the battle of Armageddon.
Again in 1995 the Society praised the noble efforts of the UN:
OCTOBER 24, 1995, marks the 50th anniversary of the United Nations. All 185 current member States are committed to the organizations original principles and goals as expressed in that charter: to maintain international peace and security; to suppress acts of aggression that threaten world peace; to encourage friendly relations among nations; to protect the fundamental freedoms of all peoples without discrimination based on race, sex, language, or religion; and to achieve international cooperation in solving economic, social, and cultural problems. For 50 years the United Nations organization has made notable efforts to bring about world peace and security. Arguably, it may have prevented a third world war, and the wholesale destruction of human life through the use of nuclear bombs has not been repeated. The United Nations has provided millions of children with food and medicine. It has contributed to improved health standards in many countries, providing, among other things, safer drinking water and immunization against dangerous diseases. Millions of refugees have received humanitarian assistance. In recognition of its accomplishments, the United Nations organization has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize five times. Yet, the lamentable fact of life is that we still do not live in a world without war…
Jehovah’s Witnesses view the United Nations organization as they do other governmental bodies of the world. They acknowledge that the United Nations continues to exist by Gods permission. In harmony with the Bible, Jehovah’s Witnesses render due respect to all governments and obey them as long as such obedience does not require that they sin against God. The Watchtower - 1 October 1995- pages 3-7
This softening of attitude was noted, but Jehovah's Witnesses around the globe were not prepared for a different type of revelation. The following quote shows how a UK newspaper reported the Watchtower Society's secret involvement with the United Nations.
The United Nations is being asked to investigate why it has granted associate status to the Jehovah's Witnesses, the fundamentalist US-based Christian sect, which regards it as the scarlet beast predicted in the Book of Revelation. Disaffected members of the 6m-strong group, which has 130,000 followers in the UK, have accused the Witnesses' elderly governing body of hypocrisy in secretly accepting links with an organisation that they continue to denounce in apocalyptic terms. The UN itself admitted yesterday that it was surprised that the sect, whose formal name is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, had been accepted on its list of non-governmental Organisations for the last 10 years. GuardiannewspaperUK, Stephen Bates, correspondent - 8 Oct. 2001